The Size of Lavos


While we do not have a complete image of Lavos to work with, we can still estimate the size of the creature from what little we are shown in Chrono Trigger. For this exercise we will assume Crono to be six feet tall as this seems to be the average age of a male in his late-teens. We can then stack the Crono sprite on top of Lavos' in order to judge how high the alien might be. Since we are working with a two dimensional image we cannot possibly judge the curvature of Lavos' shell. For this piece I will simply estimate the shell's apex to be around the 20 foot mark. From that point Lavos' back will begin to slope into the background. The remaining height would be made up of the needles protruding from the shell's top. Since unfortunately the image is cropped to fit on screen, we cannot be sure how high the needles will rise. Given this, I will be generous and estimate the full height of Lavos to be somewhere around 30 feet. Furthermore we can look to the Final Fantasy Chronicles release of the game to see more evidence of Lavos' size. In one of the animated segments Crono is depicted standing immediately before Lavos. Here we see Lavos does not appear very large; he towers only a few dozen feet above the boy.

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